martes, 7 de agosto de 2007

my new blog :)

Hi, my name is Maria Antonieta. I am 15 years old :) .. my last school was Nueva Galicia. I like swimming, singing, and dancing PIU & DDR .. my favorite color is pink by the way.

jajaja get use to it, that's everything i'll say when a teacher asks me to introudce myself :)

This is my new blog. It is because our reading teacher asks us to write about ourselves to talk about it in the class. I think it is just to know better each other.

Ok, Im gonna go because I have another homeworks to do ..

I hope you enjoy my blog :)

3 comentarios:

Shade dijo...


Kaká dijo...

I know by memory what the teachers asked to everyone of us...¬¬

LG :* dijo...

heyyy...!!! toña:P
yo aki de paaasaada..! esta bonito tu blog mensa:P... jajaja... jaja yo tambien me se de memoria lo de los maestros=P u_____U "hablo" bien el ingles porke me traumaron en el CAP-____- jajaja broma(A)..!
oie=P ai cuando puedas le rayas

sale pues:P!
cuidate muchoooo
te veo el lunesxD